
What is the media industries’ view of the audience and why do they carry out audience research? Make reference in your answer to the idea of the concept of audiences as Citizens and consumers


Students must use academic referencing and a bibliography in this essay (see the Postgraduate Student Handbook for more information and guidance on Referencing and Academic Honesty). The content includes introduction, main paragraph, case studies (examples), conclusion. I will provide relevant literatures and some information for the essay.

Literature Review of Dynamic Capabilities


Hello, Please see below for readings and assignment. Please write in scholarly fashion – there are instructions of the requirements below, must have 8 new references not included in the readings.

Prison Population


Literature Analysis Instructions- Please do research on how to write a literature review. The student will write a 10–12-page Literature Analysis on specific problem in criminal justice. It should not be a descriptive paper but one that critically examines the problems and the competing solutions. The student should make an argument if need be. The paper must utilize at least 12 significant, scholarly resources that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight) with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources. The paper must

Journal assignment on a new place.


Being new to a place is challenging. The list below includes some provocative discussions related to the events in thisunit’s reading and related to being new to the United States.For this assignment, you will write two journal entries that reflect on Parts 1 and 2 below. The total length of your journal assignment must be a minimum of three pages in length, with each journal entry being at least one page.(For example, this means that you could have one journal be one page and the other be two pages, each could be one and a half pages, or some other means by which each is at least one page in length and your total overall pages total three.)The journals will need to reflect your understanding of the time



At the last city council meeting, the fire chief updated the council on the previous month’s fire statistics and initiatives. One of the major talking points was the number of resources (financial and physical) that fire department put into fire prevention efforts across the division, including inspection and code enforcement, education, investigation, and engineering. The council asked the fire chief whether the money and effort was effective and whether the resources should be used in other areas of the

Creative Writing Question


Transgender, Queer community you qualify for two LGBTQA+ focused scholarships.
Therefore, we ask that you submit a brief essay describing how you have been an active member in the LGBTQA+ community on or off-campus.

Pride and Prejudice Literary Essay


In your response, describe the primary features of the characters at the beginning of the novel, the basic process by which they change, and their characteristics at the end of the novel. Then, explain what you think the author is trying to say through the changes in Elizabeth and Darcy.

Write an epilogue to The Cask of Amontillado


Write an epilogue to ” The Cask of Amontillado” in which a case against Montresor comes to trial. In your epilogue, provide the prosecuting attorney’s closing argument, reminding the jury of any evidence that proves Montresor’s guilt. Then provide the defense attorney’s closing argument and describe the jury’s final verdict.

Emotions, Persuasions, and Stereotypes


Emotions, Persuasions, and Stereotypes Psychology and Mass Media – UNIT4 Discussion Board- Emotions, persuasion and stereotypes Type: Discussion Board Unit 4: Emotions, Persuasion, and Stereotypes Deliverable Length: 600-700 You will be attending an upcoming psychological conference on psychology and mass media. While packing for the conference, you are struck by […]

My Hero’s Journey Infographic


My Hero’s Journey Infographic HUM2023 Module 5: Hero’s Journey Infographic Joseph Campbell’s theories on mythology and the Hero’s Journey connect mythology to our everyday lived realities. In this module, you learned that all myths follow the arc of the Hero’s Journey and that the Hero’s Journey is as influenced by real-life experiences as it is the inspiration for future human creation. Instructions: Think of a time in your life in which you have participated in the path […]

Feminism is for Everybody


  Feminism is for Everybody Fully discuss TWO of the following prompts. Each essay should be at least two pages in length but may be longer. Refer to related course […]

A Memorable First-Time Camping Experience


Write two seperate journal entry about your experience with the organization you have chosen to study. 2-3 (800-1200 words each) single spaced each, 12 point font. These entries are up to you in terms of content — they can be good, bad or neutral experiences as long as they reflect upon the organization of your focus. Please feel free expansive in your interpretation of these guidelines.

Themes in The Piece of String


I am looking for someone who can write 10-15 minutes of speech on the subject “Women in Technology (STEM)”. I want speech to be about how people underestimate women in STEM fields and how does one can inspire/encourage todays young girls to be part of todays technology and to pursue their dreams/studies in STEM fields.

Unpacking Myths Assignment


You’ll read about one or more ways of interpreting myth and then use one of these approaches to try to interpret a myth that is probably unfamiliar to you.

DB Survey World Literature


Describe the role of the community health nurse in providing quality end-life-care for seriously ill persons and their families.

Theater irregularities


When you go to the movie theater, you buy a prenumbered ticket from the cashier. This ticket is handed to another person at the entrance to the movie. What kinds of irregularities is there theater trying to prevent? What control is it using to prevent these irregularities? What remaining risks or exposures can you identify?

Power and limitations of theatrical imagination


Power and limitations of theatrical imagination: Minimum of 3 full paragraphs required to answer questions above and to elaborate regarding the general theme of the discussion .References and citations in APA style required as needed.

Shaping the Image of Black America


Shaping the Image of Black America- In your research of television programs from the 1950’s and 1960’s, you will also be required to write an essay about how African Americans were portrayed in shows that were broadcast during this era.

Myth of a Latin Woman” and “Just Walk on


Myth of a Latin Woman” and “Just Walk on By Short Essay After Reading the 4 Essays, what conclusions can you draw about stereotypes and the difficulty people face in […]

Qualities of the Hero: Comparing Gilgamesh and Odysseus.


Qualities of the Hero: Comparing Gilgamesh and Odysseus. Read all the instructions carefully and write an essay with introduction, subheadings and conclusion Due Week 8 and worth 200 points This […]

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