
pertinent for marketing and sales


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Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives — How Your Friends’ Friends’ Friends Affect Everything You Feel, Think, and DoPaperback – Jan 12 2011

by Nicholas A. Christakis (Author), James H. Fowler (Author)

This book is a great read, and pertinent for marketing and sales. You could definitely use it for the networking report.

Global business


In this project, you will consider the major challenges in marketing products abroad. You will read a case scenario. Consider the different product offerings and through research, use of case scenario facts and course material, select products, promotion and a specific brand.

In this project, you will develop critical thinking and research skills.

Outcomes You Will Meet by Completing This Project

apply fundamental knowledge of global business to the domestic environment

apply fundamental knowledge of functional business disciplines to the global business environment
analyze the viability of starting and maintaining businesses in the global environment in order to inform decision making

research, analyze, and evaluate global business variables, and effectively communicate their implications

NOTE:All submitted work is to be your original work. You may not use any work from another student, the Internet or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy, and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations with regard to proper citation of sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. (Students are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only).

Read the following case scenario

Marketing strategies


What are the key characteristics of the wearable device market?

What key competitive advantages relative to the wearable device market does Fitbit possess?

What are Fitbit’s most significant competitive disadvantages or vulnerabilities?
What competitive advantages relative to the wearable device market do the competitors named in the case possess?

At which stage of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) is the Fitbit product line? NOTE: Make sure to use marketing concepts as well as evidence from the case to support your points in this discussion.
What potential generic strategies for growth would be appropriate for Fitbit given its PLC stage?

Decision Support System and Solution


1- Identify a problem (opportunity) from the local (Saudi Arabia), regional (Middle-east), or global area.

2- Explain the context of the problem.

3- provide a model that is representing the problem; variables and relationships between them are to be specified.

4- Specify, generate or collect a data sets required for the model.

5- Provide a solution to the model using a different technique.


1- Make sure that you provide a justification for each of the non-trivial elements of this model.

2- Be sure to make all your assumptions explicit. Egg: Genetic Solution (Objective function, size of the population, mutations and crossover parameters, convergence …etc.).

Big Data and Ethics


Read the article on Big Data and Ethics

Look at the scandal surrounding Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

Look at how customers are reacting to arguments around privacy on the Internet.

– Answer: Please answer these questions on Two papers font size 1.5. Also, please Provide resources.

1. How does the Facebook case will affect your work on Big Data Marketing?

2. What other relevant examples can you bring that will also affect your work on Big Data Marketing?

3. If your business needs to collect loads of consumer data, how can you do this in an ethical way?

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