
Product Lifecycle


This paper is about a product that I created called Athleishoes in paper I previously wrote (Paper attached) and the second paper attached you helped me further develop a competitive analysis and marketing mix for this same product.

reflection task


The aim of this individual reflection is to demonstrate how your marketing knowledge personally progressed across the semester in ways that helped you better appreciate and understand marketing.

Competitive Analysis and Marketing Mix


Discuss competitive analysis by examining one to two competitors to the product you are “creating” (Athleishoes). Identify the direct competition to your product and analyze their strategies, objectives, strengths, and weaknesses.

International SEO Audit


History of search within that country (For example, China and Google have a long standing history, the EU has recent changes with GDPR or recent laws)

Help with Essay (Case Study)


As the social and demographic trends continue to evolve so do the opportunities afforded to Electrolux. The most significant demographic shift globally is the growing middle class in Asia, which includes families with incomes between US$6,000 and US$30,000. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be 3 billion more people in the global middle class than there were in 2013.(Ernst & Young, 2013)

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