
Staffing model


Budget Staffing

Discuss the question using 3 APA reference within 5years with nursing content.

You find that your staff is not aware of the budgeted staffing model for their nursing unit. How would you go about educating/informing your staff? What would the most important factors to address?

Read “Engaging Staff to Create a Blended Unit and Efficient Staffing Matrix,” by Brooks et al., from Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing (2016).

Agency nursing supplements labor


Discuss the question using 3 APA reference with nursing content within 5years.

Your supervisor met with you and let you know you are over the budgeted dollars for agency nurses for your unit. What are some tactics you could implement to decrease agency usage? What departments in your health care facility could you partner with?

Healthcare environment


Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of the Pozgar text each address a different area of practice within the healthcare environment. Identify the chapter that most closely applies to your personal area of practice (current or aspirational), read that chapter, and be prepared to explore the legal and ethical issues in that practice area.

Chapter 10: Medical staff organization and malpractice

Chapter 11: Nursing and the law – USE THIS TOPIC AREA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Hospital departments and allied professionals

Prompt: Based on the chapter you selected, your personal experience, and a biblical worldview, write a Discussion Board Forum thread identifying and analyzing the legal and ethical issues specific to your area of practice. ( MY AREA OF PRACTICE IS EMS – I AM A PARAMEDIC SO CHAPTER 11 IS THE CLOSEST ALIGNMENT!!!

Health and disease


In this week’s media presentation, Dr. Louise Fitzpatrick shared how health and disease are global issues. She pointed out that with the mobility of today’s population, health issues experienced in one area of the world are easily brought to other areas of the world through such means as travel and immigration. They can also be brought to a nation’s doorstep through the migration of animals, insects, and birds. Consider the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, avian flu, H1N1, or SARS. These diseases have quickly crossed oceans and spread to multiple countries. They are a public health concern in the United States as well as other countries.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Reflect on Dr. Fitzpatricks’s comments in this week’s media presentation; specifically, on the role of the BSN nurse in public and global health.
Select onehealth problem that you will use as a basis of comparison between countries.

Identify onedeveloped and one developing country.

Vulnerable populations


Compare vulnerable populations. Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country. Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved. Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.

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