


Why are people prejudiced? Do you recognize your own prejudices? Have you ever had a prejudice against a group of people? Explain. Have you ever been a victim of prejudice? Explain. Please discuss this topic freely and do not be afraid to admit your prejudice as we can all learn from one another. To make you more comfortable, I admit that I have a prejudice

Human and animal behavior


Researchers often use a method called an experiment in order to study the causes of human and animal behavior. Design such an experiment based on a change in behavior you have observed in yourself or your roommates this past semester (e.g., eating or sleeping habits, exercise regime, game playing, etc.). Select a behavior that you are particularly interested in studying, and then design the experiment to investigate a possible cause of that behavior. Address the following questions.

What is the hypothesis you will test in your experiment?

What are the independent and dependent variables?

Who will be the subjects or participants in your study?

What are the experimental and control group conditions? Here, you may assume that you have the resources necessary to conduct your experiment and that you can control, or manipulate, the environment of your subjects as necessary. For example, suppose your hypothesis is as follows: Higher levels of stress from a heavy course workload increase eating activity. Assume that you have the ability to control the workload, etc., of your subjects.

How will you assign your subjects to groups?

What are the possible results of your study, and what might these results indicate about your hypothesis?

Proposed Case Vignette


Presentation of the Problem

Jesus is an eighteen year old Latino male. He, in May of last year, graduated from High School in Coahoma, Texas. Coahoma Texas is a very small town of about 1000 residents in west Texas. The closest metropolitan area is Midland/Odessa Texas with a population of about 250,000 combined people in the two cities. It is about a 90 minute drive from Coahoma to Midland/Odessa.

Jesus was an average high school student over the course of his high school education. His mother owns a small Mexican restaurant and is a citizen of the Republic of Mexico, as is his father, and oilfield worker.

Jesus is not a US citizen, having been born in Mexico. He has however been living in the US since he was a baby of just over one year of age.Jesus is fluent in the Spanish and English languages. The family speaks mostly Spanish inside the home.Jesus worked part time in his mother’s restaurant during his high school summers, and weekends during the school year.

Upon graduation Jesus was anxious to move away from Coahoma, realizing that there were limited employment opportunities in and around his home town. Jesus was not particularly interested in attending college or university, and didn’t really know what he wanted to be, so far as careers are concerned.

Proposed Case Vignette


Presentation of the Problem

Jesus is an eighteen year old Latino male. He, in May of last year, graduated from High School in Coahoma, Texas. Coahoma Texas is a very small town of about 1000 residents in west Texas. The closest metropolitan area is Midland/Odessa Texas with a population of about 250,000 combined people in the two cities. It is about a 90 minute drive from Coahoma to Midland/Odessa.

Jesus was an average high school student over the course of his high school education. His mother owns a small Mexican restaurant and is a citizen of the Republic of Mexico, as is his father, and oilfield worker.

Jesus is not a US citizen, having been born in Mexico. He has however been living in the US since he was a baby of just over one year of age.Jesus is fluent in the Spanish and English languages. The family speaks mostly Spanish inside the home.Jesus worked part time in his mother’s restaurant during his high school summers, and weekends during the school year.

Upon graduation Jesus was anxious to move away from Coahoma, realizing that there were limited employment opportunities in and around his home town. Jesus was not particularly interested in attending college or university, and didn’t really know what he wanted to be, so far as careers are concerned.

Cognitive theory


To prepare:

Search the Internet or Walden Library and select a resource related to any cognitive theory and identify any limitations of this theory when applied to a non-Western culture.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post a brief summary of the resource you found. From the resource, identify and explain any limitations of this theory when applied to a non-Western culture. Use proper APA format and citations.



Writing Plan: Use this writing plan as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your critical analysis essay. This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively communicating and supporting your claim. This plan will be helpful in keeping your thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay. A. Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay, include how the argument is derived from your major, the major you are considering pursuing, or your field of work. B. Determine key points and rationale that will be helpful in supporting the validity of your argument. C. Identify the audience that will be repading your essay. What potential challenges will you have supporting your argument with this demographic? D. Establish a goal that you hope to accomplish with this essay. What will this essay need to be successful? E. List potential resources that could be used as supporting evidence for your argument, and provide a brief description of each and how they will reinforce your argument. F. Align key points of your argument with supporting resources for establishing an effective essay structure. G.

Legal Psychology


Please respond to the following 10 short essay questions using appropriate college level grammar and citing sources (your textbook is a suitable source). I recommend that you use additional sources to strengthen the support of your scholarly essays with scientific evidence.

Reflection paper


reflection paper
Tthere are 4 chapters from two books , please read them and write a reflection paper. try to write what confused you , what you did not understand . and ask questions. also write what do like in the chapter and give you a good or new information

Video Response


Write a reflection in response to one of the Week 4 videos linked to on Blackboard. The reflection should be two paragraphs. The first paragraph should recap a central point or argument made in the video. The second paragraph should reflect critically on the previously outlined point and make an original/critical observation. The reflection is worth 10 points. There are three gradations: (1) 10 points will be given to assignments that reflect adequate effort and thoughtfulness; (2) 6 points will be given to assignments

Comprehensive assessment


In a 2- to 4-page paper, complete a comprehensive assessment of Paula Cortez, utilizing two of the assessment models provided in Chapter 5 of the course text.

Using the Cowger article, identify at least two areas of strengths in Paula’s case.
Analyze the perspectives of two members of the multidisciplinary team, particularly relative to Paula’s pregnancy.
Explain which model the social workers appear to be using to make their assessment.
Describe the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an evaluation.

Cognitive Development Activities


Prior to completing this discussion, read chapter 7, Piaget’s enduring contribution to developmental psychology, and On major developments in preschoolers’ imagination. Using Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, you will continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying an activity and a toy for one of the rooms in your center that promotes cognitive development. You can choose any of the five rooms for this discussion, but the activity must be focused on the cognitive milestones of your chosen age group and must be clearly tied to Piaget’s theory. So your activity might be focused on object permanence for infants, conservation, transitivity, or decentering for middle childhood, or deductive reasoning for adolescence. Then think about what kinds of educational toys would promote cognitive development in this age group and, again, tie the selected object to a specific milestone. You must use at least one scholarly source in either your activity or your toy entry. Here are two examples providing you a model of how to approach this discussion and how to build the elements of the rooms in your Community Center.

Patient’s diagnosis of schizophrenia


Schizophrenia affects not only the patient suffering from the symptoms, but the family members of the affected patient, community members and the nursing/ medical team caring for the affected patient.

1. What do you think a family goes through who has a member who is suffering from schizophrenia?

2. Do you think a patient’s diagnosis of schizophrenia is easily accepted, it’s treatment compliance and acceptance of the diagnosis by the patient’s family differs based on culture? If yes, give examples. If no, give a reason.

3. Why do you think some schizophrenics have a hard time staying on medication?

Theory of cognitive development


To prepare:

Review this week’s Learning Resources related to Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories of cognitive development and next week’s Learning Resources on behaviorist, biological, and nature-versus-nurture theories.

Select two theories to compare for this Assignment.

The Assignment (3 pages):

Write a 3-page paper in which you do the following:

Briefly introduce the theories you selected.
Explain how each theory characterizes cognitive development. What are the major causes/influences, processes, or stages within each?
Which one of these theories do you think best explains cognitive development and why?

Language Communities


Language acquisition is the ability to understand and speak a new language. Learning words, phrases, and sentences allow us to more effectively interact with members of another culture. However, there are also nontraditional forms of language acquisition. For example, English majors learn terminology that economics majors are unfamiliar with and vice versa. The same idea can be applied to someone starting a new job or joining a sports team. In order to become a member of a community, one must learn the established “language.”

In this essay, you will examine how a specific group of people use verbal and nonverbal

Description of Research Methodology


In this assignment, you will write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology study. You will get information about the study from one of the entries in the SPARQ “Solutions Catalog”, which is a web site maintained by Stanford University at SPARQ is an acronym for “Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions.” Each entry in the Solutions Catalog names a problem, and then offers a solution to that problem, based on a research study in social psychology.

The article I chose:


Wilson, T. D. (n.d.). Boost grades by reframing failures.  Retrieved from

Wilson, T. D. & Linville, P.W. (1982).  Improving the academic performance of college freshmen:  attribution therapy revisited.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42 (2), 367-376.

To keep this assignment short and manageable, your only sources for this assignment should be from the SPARQ site and your course materials, such as your textbook. There is no need for you to cite any of the course materials. Therefore, no additional citations or references are needed, beyond those from the SPARQ site.

In this exercise, you will choose one of the entries in the SPARC site, and then write a two to three (2-3) page paper that meets the following requirements.

Thanx for picking up the week 2 assignment for social psychology. I am trying to send you the grading rubric as well.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 150

Assignment 1: Description of Research Methodology

Developmental Psychology


Using the University Library, browse through a number of articles from peer-reviewed journals on the topic of developmental psychology. A few examples of appropriate journals are provided below. Read several abstracts and select three articles that address topics that you may want to investigate further in your Week Six paper.

Write a 1-paragraph summary of each article, explaining what you found most interesting and why. After each summary, provide the full reference for the article in APA format. Possible journals to explore include:

Developmental Psychology

Psychology and Aging
Journal of Early Intervention

Journal of Educational Psychology
Child Development
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

Learning and Individual Differences
Journal of Early Adolescence
Journal of Research on Adolescence

Sex Roles

VF cooperation


I need a reflection paper 3-5 pages, what did I learn from the class ?

In the class we have worked as a group we were meeting almost once a month and we were researching about the VF corporation, we wrote a report about the company. also we had an individual presentation and a group presentation. so far I have learned how to research in the internet and how to do the citation, also how to write an APA style.

Examination of a psychological disorder


1) Examination of a psychological disorder

Students will select a psychological disorder and examine how that disorder is viewed in different cultures. Students must explain the psychological disorder, including how it is conceptualized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), and compare and contrast how this disorder is viewed in at least two cultures (one of which may be US culture). In addition to the required peer-reviewed sources, students may wish to include information

Forensic psychologist


Your task this week is to prepare a letter of interest for an internship or a research project in an area of forensic psychology. Begin by reflecting upon the various tasks and activities which a forensic psychologist may undertake. You may want to include why this field interests you and what experiences or knowledge you may have by the time you might be writing this letter in the future.

Assume you are applying for an internship in an area of forensic psychology that is of interest to you or that you are applying to work in a field of research.

Identify a community organization, business, public agency, research institution, or other type of organization of interest to you in pursuing a possible internship or research opportunity in forensic psychology.

Psychotic Effects of Marijuana


Should alcohol be illegal or marijuana be legal?

“One common way to alter human conscsiousness is to administer a psychoactive drug, a substance capable of altering attention, emotion, judgment, memory, time sense, self-control, or perception. In fact, In fact, most Americans regularly use consciousness-altering drugs (don’t forget that caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine are mildly psychoactive) Many psychoactive drugs can be placed on a scale ranging from stimulation to depression” (Coon & Mitterer, 2016, p. 180). During the early part of the twentieth century, alcohol was illegal to make, sell, and consume in the United States. This was clearly a policy decision. It seems that making alcohol consumption illegal did little to stop its consumption.

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