Child development

This type of paper focuses on persuading rather than informing your reader.

You will present one side of an issue or controversy or to form an opinion and support it using critical thinking and reliable source / evidence.


I have picked the topic. I will provide you the prompt shortly.

Below is my topic and the short paragraph to guide you about my topic.

I started watching videos on YouTube. I got to know Dr. Edward Tronick director of child development at Harvard University. I like his powerful experiment “Still Face Experiment” so much. The “Still Face Experiment” demonstrates how vulnerable children are to the emotional or non-emotional reactions of the people they are close to. Finally, I have decided to write an essay with the below title
Parents (also caregivers) should be always perfectly attuned and instantly responsive to a child.
I want to mention in my essay how deprivation of emotional nurture reduces white matter in
brain areas affecting cognition, emotion, attention, and executive function.

Attached is the prompt that you need to follow. It gives you information about how to write this paper, including examples, paragraphs contents.

I want an essay with not too many advanced words. Please keep it simple.what matters most is how well the prompt has been followed .

Answer preview

Parents and caregivers are strategically placed to provide responsive care to children, which contributes to a child’s cognitive development. Responsive care is crucial in providing a solid foundation for a child’s behavior and helping them understand the values and beliefs of society (Lucas et al., 2017). Parents and caregivers need to understand that their role in providing responsive care influences a child’s brain development and cognitive, behavioral, and emotional balance. The interaction and relationship between a parent/caregiver and a child play a massive role in attunement to the child and their needs. Levitt & Eagleson (2018) state that a child’s absence of responsive care adversely affects their growth and development,

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