Answer 3 of the following questions: 2 pages each, 12-point font; double spaced for each question. Cite course lectures and readings. Due on December 10 by noon.
What is neoliberalism and what is authoritarian neoliberalism? How does this neoliberal form of governance emerge to limit and roll back the gains made by people of color in social movements over the last 40 years? How does it present a real threat to democracy? (Gonzales, Tucker, Beltran)
How does one reconcile the theory of anti-blackness with the desire for unity between blacks and people of color in the era of authoritarian neoliberalism? What are the challenges to forging such a unity according to Vargas and what are the possibilities of such a unity according to Gonzales? (Costa Vargas and Gonzalez
Racial discrimination remains a significant issue in the United States even after the civil rights movement integrated fully into society. That is evident by many uneducated blacks living in poverty and incarcerated. Disparities in the war on drugs and immigrants are experienced for both drug possession law violation and low-level sales. Those who sell small amounts of drugs might go to jail for decades, leaving behind those who supply large junks of loads in the country and outside. It brought harmful stereotypes to the anti-war population, especially the black community. Despite drug control aims and education, Blacks and Latin American populations are still experiencing the severe impact of the War on Drugs and its side effects.