Coca-Cola Organizational Structure

Coca-Cola Organizational Structure


Research Coca-Cola’s organizational chart and organizational structure. Type a two-page paper describing Coca-Cola’s organizational structure and how it benefits, or detracts from, Coca-Cola’s strategic plans

Research Coca-Cola’s organizational chart and organizational structure. Type a two-page paper (Minimum two page without introduction page) describing Coca-Cola’s organizational structure and how it benefits, or detracts from, Coca-Cola’s strategic plans. Please read chapter-7 for this question. I have attached book.

please read chapter-7…topic is organizational structure..for this question…

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Coca-Cola Company uses a functional organizational structure. The functional structure consists of the CEO of the company at the center of all operations and the other subordinates under him to control other activities of the organization. The company’s departments include the financial, marketing, human resource, administration, operations, and audit departments (David and David, 2016). The functional structure, also known as the u-form design, is applied by the Coca-Cola Company when…

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