Company Manager Interview Report

 Company Manager Interview Report

Following the completion of your SWOT Analysis Project, you will next interview a manager within your selected organization. The manager can be at any level within the organization, e.g. operational (lower), tactical (middle), or strategic (upper).

The steps involved in the Company Manager Interview include:

identification of the appropriate manager;

preparing interview questions; and

writing the final Interview report with take-a-ways and knowledge gained.

Identification of the Manager

Continue to review your chosen organization’s Web site to gain a better understanding of the company. Or better yet, visit the firm and try to gain more knowledge by asking questions. Where is it located? What products and/or services does it provide? Who works there and is an organizational chart provided? Make a list of possible managers to interview in your chosen organization and rank them in terms of preference for greatest learning.

Interview Questions

Use the list of questions shown below to determine the management style for the manager chosen. (You can pick and choose the most appropriate questions pertinent to you and your manager.) Frame questions to gather insight on the manager’s effectiveness. Questions regarding leadership within the organization are encouraged as are questions regarding motivation and how your particular manager motivates his or her employees. Questions regarding organizational culture and employee moral should also be asked.

Try to include questions regarding organizational strategy and how these align with the firm’s mission, vision, and goals. Finally, be sure to frame your questions in terms of the principle functions of management, e.g. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

1.What is your Interviewee’s current position within the organization?

2.How long has s/he been in this position and with the company? Has their position changed over time and if so, when and how?

3..How does your manager prefer to communicate with his/her employees? E.g. verbally, in writing through e-mail, text, etc., over the phone?

4..Is your Manager comfortable with delegating? Do they encourage collaboration and teamwork? Explain. How does your Manager deal with employee conflicts?

5.How does your Manager evaluate his/her employees?

6.How would your Interviewee describe the organization’s culture? What is ‘good’ about it and what could be improved?

7.How is moral with your Manager’s employees? Is this different from the moral shown throughout the company? Why/Explain.

Final Company Manager Interview Report

Include the following in the final Interview Report:

a)Name of Person interviewed, along with his or her title in the organization. Also include applicable phone or e-mail contact information and company address where interviewed. Include the date of the Interview.

b)List of questions asked along with follow-up responses by the manager. Responses can be summarized.

c)A robust summary of take-a-ways from the Interview experience. What did you learn? This can be organizationally, in terms of managing, or How will this new information help you going forward? If you could interview this manager again, what would you ask a second time?

d)Also (and very important), what do you think this organization should be doing now in terms of overall Strategy? Explain how your Recommendations align with your SWOT, earlier Goals, and Manager Interview.

e)The Interview Report will be posted in the Discussions for peer collaboration and exchange.

Rubric 8-10 rating

IntroductionIntroduction was detailed and provided a comprehensive overview of the manager. E.g. how selected, position, etc. Provides appropriate company background.
Interview QuestionsComprehensive list of Interview Questions asked to the Manager. Good development of specific questions as well. Interview responses based on questions are dynamic, robust, and show the opportunity for good knowledge gained.
Utilized Prior Knowledge from SWOT and Goals to Gain New InformationFinal Interview Report clearly shows the connection between information gleaned from the SWOT analysis, resultant Goals, and the Interview. It is clear from reading this Report how the Manager plans, organizes, leads, and controls in terms of the four management functions.
Recommended StrategyExceptional strategy(ies) suggested for your firm based on research completed-to-date. Melds knowledge gained from SWOT analysis as well as Goals suggested in earlier project with Interviewee’s comments.
Conclusion and SummaryRobust summary of take-aways from the Interview experience provided, along with lessons learned.

Answer Preview

Shoes and Footwear Company Limited mainly focuses on manufacturing shoes made from rubber, fabric or pure leather. The company produces foot wears that have different designs for work environments, casual and formal places. The company has different managers present such as the managing director, human resource manager, manufacturing manager, production manager and cost and efficient manager. This interview mainly focuses…

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