Company Restructuring

Company Restructuring

Imagine that you have been brought into a company to help them restructure. The company can be one with which you are familiar, or you can create a fictional company. In an 8- to 10-page paper, address the following:

  1. Briefly identify the company and provide a short explanation of why the company is seeking to restructure.
  2. Write a grand strategy plan addressing the 15 identified elements:

    a. Concentrated Growth
    b. Market Development
    c. Product Development
    d. Innovation
    e. Horizontal Acquisition
    f. Vertical Acquisition
    g. Concentric Diversification
    h. Conglomerate Diversification
    i. Turnaround
    j. Divestiture
    k. Liquidation
    l. Bankruptcy
    m. Joint Ventures
    n. Strategic Alliances
    o. Consortia, Keiretsus, and Chaebols

  3. Evaluate three types of business strategies (low-cost, differentiation, and speed-based) and determine which is most appropriate for the business you chose based on your grand strategy plan. Justify your choice. Using a combination of business strategies is acceptable, as long as you explain the reasoning behind your approach.
  4. Describe how you would implement your business strategy and assess the functional tactics you would implement.

Include a title page and reference page, and follow APA format according to theĀ CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Cite at least four outside academic sources

Answer Preview

Companies tend to experience some challenges in their business operations which lead to them to restructure the whole company. Since all organizations want to be prosperous on a long-term basis, they need to effectively respond to any fluctuations that occur in the economy and also endure declines in their income. Company restructuring…

(2705 Words)

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