Written assignments are expected to conform to standard language conventions. Formal written assignments (other than Forum posts and journaling) must conform to the most recent APA (6th edition) guidelines for referencing, in text citations, appendices, and/or any means of crediting an outside source. These APA Formatted assignments must be in Microsoft Word format and will be submitted through the appropriate link(s) located on the course week page of the assignment. All written assignments require a correctly formatted Title Page with Page Headers, Running Heads for publication, Page numbers, an Abstract page, pages of text, and a Reference page. Examples of all of these can be found in the APA Handbook, 6th edition. Keep in mind that part of your grade is based on your written communication skills.
Requirements: completed example
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increases its total level of liabilities, and ensure the long-term unearned revenue is also reduced. In the future, it is advisable for the company to reduce its deferred income by reducing the difference in income recognition between the company’s accounting and the guiding tax laws. In the future, the company should also strive to focus more on developing its goodwill and other intangible assets. Goodwill is a good capital asset as it can easily help the company generate the required revenue for more than a year or more. Apart from providing capital assets, an increase in the company’s goodwill will also enable the company to gain a more competitive advantage. According to Johnson et al. (2021), an increase in the company’s goodwill will come with other advantages, which include a more loyal customer base and a higher brand reputation. Finally, the company will enjoy higher employee retention, which will result in higher productivity and revenue.