comparative politics.

Please complete the 2 parts correctly following exactly the constructions below and the attached study guide . use the attached textbook (3 files)

This Assignment has two sections:

  • 5 short-answer identification questions
  • 1 essay question worth (choose 1 out of 2).

This assignment was originally designed to be completed in-class in 75 minutes.

Part 1:

Choose any five of the following terms and give me a definition of the term and an example. The example must be a real example from comparative politics.

Here is a list of the terms. Remember, choose any 5 of these (if you answer more than 5 I will just grade the first 5):

  • Civil society
  • Descriptive representation
  • Gender
  • Modernization theory
  • Outgroup
  • Pluralism
  • Populist party
  • Resource curse

Part 2:

Write a short essay (no more than 2 double-spaced pages) on the following prompt:

Choose one of the following questions. Your answer should be in the form of an essay. A good answer will probably be about 3 to 5 paragraphs. In your answer, compare two examples of collective action. Don’t use the same example you are using in your paper.

  • 1- Consider rebel groups in civil wars. Why do people sometimes join rebel groups, and when will rebel groups succeed? Use two different rebel groups as examples.
  • 2- Consider pro-democracy movements. Why do people sometimes join these movements, and when will movements succeed? Use two different movements as examples.

Requirements: 3 to 4 pages

Civil society is a combination of organizations that are not associated or linked with the government, such as schools, professional associations, churches, advocacy groups, and cultural institutions. Civil society organizations are mainly known for holding governments accountable for their actions and inactions. They offer various social, economic, and political issues for governments, public and private sectors. Civil society organizations also provide services and basic products to the underserved and the poor. They also uphold social behavior and norms and defend citizens’ rights. Groups in civil society address narrow and broad issues at the national, local, or international level.  Some examples of civil society movements include the civil rights movement in the US and South Africa’s antiapartheid movement (Samuels, 2018).


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