Compare the murders/killings in Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado” and Dubus’ “Killings”

Compare the murders/killings in Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado” and Dubus’ “Killings”

Compare the murders/killings in Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado” and Dubus’ “Killings”. Were any of them justified? Why or why not? In what ways could they have been avoided? Were they avoidable? Use direct quotes to support your answer. Can be anywhere from 300-500 words.

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The “killings” by Andre Dubus involve the death of two people, Frank, Matt Fowler’s youngest son, who was twenty-one years and Richard Strout. Richard Strout killed Frank for going out with his estranged wife, while Matt and his friend Willis shot Richard Strout. The murder in Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado” involves the death of Fortunato murdered by Montresor.

The Dubus killings are justified for different reasons. The order of nature justifies the murder of Frank that when a man finds out his ex-wife has an affair with another man is jealous. Richard Strout explains his act denoting that Frank was seeing his wife, who he wanted to resolve issues and get together again. Richard says that “He was making it with my wife, I would go pick up my kids, and he would be there… (Andre, 59). On the other hand, the murder of Frank justifies the killing of Richard. Matt was empathetic of his wife’s condition of seeing the killer of her son in the streets. Matt says that Ruth can’t keep up with the situation that caused her mental anguish whenever she would see Richard, “…Ruth going about town on errands keep

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