Controversial Research

Controversial Research

Controversial Research

The use of animals in research is controversial. Investigate this controversy using at least five resources from the South University Online Library. Do you think it is ethical to use animals in research? Explain your reasoning and support your answer with at least three sources from the South University Online Library (these sources must be different from the ones you already used in this assignment).

Submission Details:


  • Please provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.
  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.
https://southuniversity-libguides-com.southunivers…try this link just scroll down to psychology or psych triple search
It just shows all the data bases within the library and from there you should be able to search
Answer preview

Animal Research Statistics

According to certified committees such as the committee of the council of biotech dealing with animal’s rights, over sixty million animals globally are used every year. It is also noted that the number of animals scientists use and then kill after a scientific procedure amount to 30 to 40 million worldwide annually. According to a report by the government agencies responsible for animal care, over 1.5 million mammals were used in experimental procedures in the year 2004. This number includes rats, dogs, mice, and nonhuman primates. The number has been on the rise in the subsequent years…

(1200 words)
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