Core Principles and Ethical Dilemmas

Core Principles and Ethical Dilemmas: Publishing


For this week’s Assignment, view the interactive simulation media titled “The Lab.”

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 4-page paper that includes the following:

  • A description of the situation experienced by the graduate student related to publishing.
  • An explanation of the ethical decision(s) you might make in this role. Support your response with the APA core principles you used to make each decision.
  • An explanation of whether and how the outcome might have differed if you had chosen another set of core principles.
Answer preview
Dave one of the graduate students and the lead in the film is working to balance his research work with his social life. Dave must leave his girlfriend in dinner who is worried when he will ever graduate. Likewise, the undergraduate students have the least research guideline lacking confidence in their practical work. Like the advisor to the graduate students get tired of guiding them the graduate students are less concerned with the graduate school. Dave thinks guiding them would not make them learn. Publishing research work for graduate students are expected to be comprehensive of research they conduct direct and the one they guide the undergraduate to conduct…
(750 words)
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