Cost And Benefits Of Hosting The World Cup

Cost And Benefits Of Hosting The World Cup

Drawing on the readings on South Africa, Brazil, and Russia, write an essay that discusses costs and benefits of hosting the World Cup.!…


Successful essays will use concrete examples from assigned readings to substantiate their points. Occasional reference to a video lecture or film is acceptable, but answers must rely primarily on the readings. Avoid vague responses at all costs. Grades will be based on organization, clarity of writing style, strength of argument, and the quality of evidence used to support the main analytical points.
Answer preview
The history of world cup dates back to the 19th century. Williams (2015) says that the first international match “took place in 1881 between England and Scotland.” What started as a competition between England and Scotland soon became a game of interest to many. Officially inaugurated in 1930 in Uruguay, world cup became a competition between elite men’s teams across the world. Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) coordinates the activities about the world cup and the countries which participate in the world cup are members of FIFA. Since its inauguration in 1932, the men’s world cup is played after four years except during the Second World War. Several countries have hosted the world cup either jointly or independently. The recent…
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