Course Analysis

Course Analysis

re-write one page

I have an assignment which is :

Provide a 1 page summary of what you believe you did well and no so well during the course. What would you change next time? What, if any, plans do you have for e-commerce going forward?

I wrote it, but I need someone to re-write it in perfect way. Make sure this is captured please.

I hope you understand my essay. But mostly about:

The main points in the paragraphs are

1- A short Intro about e-commerce

what I believe I did well during this course:

2- knowing how to build my site

3- knowing how to deal with WordPress

4- knowing how to manage my business online

5- knowing how to generate more traffic to my site

6- knowing how to use Adwords google and doing campaign

7- Knowing how to deal with google analytics


Answer Preview
E-commerce is the process that involves primarily buying and selling of goods as well as services over the internet. E-commerce has become very significant in these modern times due to the beneficial purposes it has for the society in general. The reduction of unemployment in many…
(296 Words)
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