Court Management Trends Paper

Court Management Trends Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper related to trends in the management of courts. Explain how the following issue impacts the way courts function. Complete your paper on one of the following topics:

  1. The implementation of specialized or alternative courts.
  2. The impact of victim rights laws.
  3. Discuss how advances in technology have changed court services.
  4. Discuss changes the courts have made due to budgetary issues.
  5. Identify current management issues facing courts and court administrators.
  6. Discuss implementing specialized or alternative courts.

Include at least 3 academic references, introduction and conclusion

BOOK: Administration and Management in Criminal Justice

The current book for this class is, Administration and Management in Criminal Justice. Here is my log in info to my class books. This weeks reading is Chapter 10.

Answer preview

Specialized Courts or Alternative Courts

According to Graham & Hays (2017), the specialty courts aim to solve certain social problems in society.  The specialty courts are also referred to as the problem-solving courts.  Each specialty court addresses and solves given social problems.  Some of the social problems that the specialty court addresses include tern crime, drug abuse, domestic violence, guns, mental health, and truancy among others. The specialty court or alternative court shift its conventional role as a strict executer of law to the personalized…

(900 words)

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