Critical Issues in Policing

Critical Issues in Policing

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper explaining critical issues in

policing. Address the following key aspects of policing activities and


•Dangers of policing

•Less-than-lethal weapons

•Technology used in policing

•Issues of homeland security and law enforcement relationships

•One additional critical issue in policing that is of interest to you

•Explain the issue.

•Explain how the issue is relevant to this paper.

Include information learned from the CJi Interactive activities in your


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. You must cite

three secondary sources of research.

Answer Preview

One of the dangers of faced by police officers is getting shot. When dealing with criminals, gunfire exchange can take place and police officers can get shot in the process. They have to wear bulletproof vests to protect themselves which is another problem since the vests are heavy and they have to move around with them all the time they…

(1516 Words)


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