instructions: This exercise requires you to apply the concepts and methods learned so far in the course. You are to write your responses in accordance with APA standards and cite a minimum of two (2) scholarly peer reviewed sources and at least one entire scripture verse.

Your paper submission should follow the below stated composition and formatting guidelines; and be composed unto a “Word Document.

  • Title page with a “Running head:” page number (top right), your name, course, date, and an appropriate title.
  • Use double space, Times New Roman, and 12pt font.
  • Upon citing works, add a separate reference page.
  • These APA additions are NOT a part of the word count range of 1000-1500 words for the paper. *Remember, quality over quantity please!*


  1. A company is considering the relocation of its manufacturing plant and administrative offices from a small city in the Midwest to a similar-sized city in the South. Approximately 20 percent of the residents of the city are employed by the company, and many others are employed in businesses such as banks, personal services, restaurants, shopping centers, and supermarkets that would suffer a decline in business if the company decides to relocate. Does the company have a social responsibility to factor into its decision the impact that its move would have on the city? Explain your reasoning.
  2. The owner of a fast-food franchise has exclusive rights to operate in a medium-sized metropolitan area. The owner currently has a single outlet open, which has proved to be very popular, and there are often waiting lines of customers. The owner is therefore considering opening one or more outlets in the area. What are the key factors that the owner should investigate before making a final decision? What trade-offs would there be in opening one additional site versus opening several additional sites?
  3. Corruption and bribery are common in some countries. Would you avoid locating in such a country, or locate there and deal with it? If the latter, how would you deal with it?
  4. Give three examples of unethical behavior involving location selection, and indicate which ethical principle is violated
Answer preview

The company has a social responsibility to factor in the implications of its relocation on the immediate community. Social responsibility is an ethical model that suggests that a business entity has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. The company has immense benefits for the community through direct jobs in the plants, indirect jobs in supporting businesses such as banks and hotels. It holds a significant chunk of the town’s economy and affects many livelihoods. Some of the reasons the company should consider the impact on people before relocating are because relocation means loss of jobs for the majority of people who depend on the business for a living.

Social Responsibility of Relocating Companies

The company is obligated to inform the affected people in advance through public and internal announcements to prepare the staff, affected…

(1500 words)
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