Cross-Cultural Management

Cross-Cultural Management-using appropriate APA format with support.

1-Write two paragraphs for each question

What are some specific individual and organizational steps that could help reduce sex segregation?

What can individual women do to reduce the influence of sex and gender discrimination on their careers?

2-Define and write a sentence or two about each of these topics.

  • Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQs)
  • Access Discrimination vs Treatment Discrimination
  • Statistics of Men as victims in Sexual Harassment
  • Quid Pro Quo
  • Pay Discrimination
  • Title VII

Answer preview

Sex segregation can be defined as the differences in representation patterns of men and women in the labor market (Yavorsky, 2017). Specific individual steps that can aid reduce sex segregation include the following. Firstly, is embracing gender diversity and working together with individuals from different backgrounds to achieve a common goal. Each member has a unique background which enables them to give different ideas promoting a better result.


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