Curtis Publishing v. Butts

Curtis Publishing v. Butts (1966)

I need a speech about Curtis Publishing v. Butts include an introduction and events leading up to the incident/behavior in question; needed list sources for it.

If you’re presenting a Supreme Court case, tell who was on that court and what the liberal-conservative make-up was. Do you think the justices’ political views affected the decision? What interesting quotes came out of the text of the decision. I hope this may help you.

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“Your honor, Justice John Marshall and members of the jury, I am John Doe, and I am representing my client, Wally Butts. The team present on my right is Tom Clark, Abe Fortas, Potter Stewart, Douglas M., and Brennan. Other members present in this Supreme Court are Chief Justice Earl Warren. The liberal-conservatives in made up of George Sting, Mar Juror, Osteen McEwen, and Estela Davis. My client, Wally Butts is accusing Saturday Evening Post of publishing false information that is recklessly gathered and unverified Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts, 388 U.S. 130 (1967). The plaintiff is filing a libel lawsuit for incorrect information given by George Burnett who is an insurance salesman in Atlanta. Burnett claims to have overheard a telephone exchange between Butt the former football coach for the Georgia Bulldogs team and Bear Bryant, the Alabama, head coach. Burnett alleges…
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