Dating Earth

What information is presented and why is it significantWhat’s the argument within the field of geology and are both perspectives being equally portrayed in the education system? Why or why not?

What is uniformitarianism? Give evidence, if any, for the support of this view.

What is catastrophism? Give evidence, if any, for the support of this view.

Can both really be true?

What are the implications of this question and why does it matter?

Has there been any suppression in the public-policy or scientific community regarding any one of these views as it relates to geology, climatology or any other sciences and why might this be so?

Please include specific examples from the attached articles

This paper should be at least 2 pages typed (would be nice if 3), double-spaced, 12 point font, regular margins as a Microsoft Word document.

Answer preview
The primary information presented in the article concerns the methods through which scientists believe the formation of the earth took place to become the way it is currently. This information is significant as it shows the various techniques through which scientific evidence has tried to prove the formation of the different continents. The argument within the field of geology suggests that the creation of the land masses as we know them today may have happened though…
(600 words)
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