Corey, G., Schneider Corey, M., Corey, C., & Callanan, P. (2015). Introduction to professional ethics (. In Issues and ethics in the helping professions (9th ed., pp. 302-331). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. page 302-33 – I DO NOT HAVE THE BOOK ehhh

The competence of a counselor has a direct effect on the client, but exceeding the boundaries of one’s competence has both legal and ethical consequences. In the video Dealing with Delusions the counselor realizes that she that she is beyond her boundaries of competence. When the counselor realizes that the client is delusional she suggests that client see a more qualified professional.

1. After viewing video clip Dealing with Delusions, what is the main ethical issue or ethical issues you believe this role play illustrates? When you answer this be sure to summarize and cite one to two standards that are most relevant.

2. What would you do in a similar situation? How might you respond if your client flatly refuse the idea of a referral?

3. What would you do to improve your competence in dealing with a delusional client if you were to continue seeing the client?

Answer preview

After viewing video clip dealing with Delusions, what is the main ethical issue or ethical issues you believe this role play illustrates? When you answer this be sure to summarize and cite one to two standards that are most relevant.

After watching the video, I have discovered one or two ethical issues that the role play tries to illustrate or demonstrate. One of the ethical issues is that of the counselor who openly tells a client that she is underqualified and she does not believe she is in the best position to help the client. The client approaches her for advice since she had been experiencing delusions. She believes that only the psychologist can help her, but she is turned down (Counselor competence, n.d.)…


(450 words)

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