Depression and paranoia.

After reading Poe’s biography (by the editors) and the text by the author, (pp. 731-735, pp. 762-772), you now have some freedom in this week’s Paper Topic. We’ve delved into literary terminology ( and theory a bit, so work to create your own analysis of Poe’s text based on information of your choosing – you can apply his biography to the text, choose a literary theory to use as a lens through which to assess his piece, focus primarily on applying literary terminology (which highlights how Poe writes, rather than what he writes about – the what tends to be more under the umbrella of theory).

Let’s do this in a mini-essay format that follows the five paragraph scheme – a single introductory paragraph that sets up your argument/analysis and includes a thesis, three supporting paragraphs that directly pull from the author’s story and uses quotes as support, and a concluding paragraph that can move in different directions (depending on how you want to close your ideas – some of you may tie all your ideas from the paragraphs together, some of you may want to point out additional questions you would ask if given more space/time, some of you might want to provide an overall assessment of the piece – you have freedom here and everyone will do something a little different with their closing).

Your goal here is to really show understanding on more than a summary level – work through the text in a particular way that you establish in your thesis (to review thesis statements, click here).

Give me a minute, I will upload the text, (pp. 731-735, pp. 762-772).

Answer preview

Also, by focusing on the challenges that the author encountered, his childhood and adulthood were not rosy. Poe’s devastating historical background made him disillusioned, and he wallowed in poverty after falling out with his foster parents. Considering that this experience made Poe depressed, he uses themes as a literary device to reveal his unstable state of mind. A theme conveyed in this context is an obsession. Poe (763) demonstrates, “I found the eye always closed, and so it was impossible to do the work, for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye.” The author’s obsession with the elderly’s man’s eye, which heightened his urge to murder him, portrays a psychotic obsession. Hence, this shows that the author had diverse problems troubling his sanity, and the only way to solve them was committing a crime.

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