describe some of the similarities and differences between resolving basic and complex problems

 describe some of the similarities and differences between resolving basic and complex problems

Decision Theory5

Within the context of your local business, organization, or place of employment, describe some of the similarities and differences between resolving basic and complex problems. After doing so, which is most common in your organization and why?

Be sure to respond to several other participants in a substantive manner in order to receive full credit for the participation component of the Discussion Board deliverable.

Be sure that you thoroughly support your response with authoritative sources retrieved from the Saudi Electronic University library. Your Discussion Board response should demonstrate careful development of thought and critical thinking skills as appropriate to graduate-level academics, and should be well supported in accordance APA writing standards.

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. Post your initial response early,

Use the below reference as primary reference and other references should be new (no more 5 years ago )

Bazerman, M. H., & Moore, D. A. (2013). Judgment in managerial decision making (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 13: 9781118065709

1 page

APA style

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In resolving basic problems a method is used to solve the basic problem while complex problems involve a process which will produce the final decision. In solving basic problems the decision is only made once for a specific problem but in solving complex problems, the decisions are made several times during the problem solving process until the best solution is found. In resolving basic problems, personal judgment is used in determining the right course of action while in solving complex problems, data and information has to…

(363 Words)

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