Developmental Research and Psychological Science

Developmental Research and Psychological Science

INSTRUCTIONS: The submitted paper will examine how the results obtained in developmental science may be biased due to extensive focus on WEIRD samples. This acronym reflects the notion that much of developmental research and psychological science more generally) has been conducted on participants from Westernized societies who are Educated and from Industrialized, Rich, Democratic nations. Then watch the movie Babies. The majority of the paper will focus on discussion of your observations pertaining to the differential influence of cultural beliefs and parenting behaviors on infant development. In addition, you will examine how your development was shaped by an aspect of your cultural heritage.

ARTICLE REQUIRED: Read Henrich, Heine, and Norenzayan (2010)

–> (only until page 83 of the article/page 23 of the doc)

DOCUMENTARY REQUIRED: “Babies” documentary, released in 2010 is available on Youtube and Amazon (Movie is $3.99 on these platforms, please be advised this part of your payment)

You are required to cite from the required article and documentary and you may also use articles of your choice and the ones I have provided you with as well.

No plagiarism!!! Will be submitted on plagiarism checker

Must cite ALL sources

Further instructions are listed on the rubric file


Answer preview

Psychological research is one of the most effective ways to understand human conduct, specifically what motivates people to act in a particular way. However, the efficacy of these studies is increasingly being called into question, primarily due to the composition of the samples used. The fact that the samples used do not represent the entire target population means that the findings of these studies are rarely generalizable (Brookshire, 2013). One of the common themes emanating from the criticism of this approach to psychological research is the terminology WEIRD. It is an acronym used to indicate that developmental research and psychological science has been conducted on participants from Westernized societies who are Educated and from Industrialized, Rich, Democratic nations (Brookshire, 2013). WEIRD

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