Discussion-Safety Net Providers/Services

Discussion-Safety Net Providers/Services

After reading the materials for this module, do some more research (i.e., Internet, journals, community services databases) about Safety Net services and providers. Discuss in a post of 150 – 200 words the following:

What are safety net services/providers; who is served by safety net providers; what safety net services (you should include oral health services as well) exist in your own community; what are the gaps in safety net services in your community; how are the services typically funded; what factors influence the capacity of safety net services (i.e., public policy, funding, etc.). Do you think that the safety net services are adequate in your community (why/why not)?

Required Reading:

Lavisso-Mourey, R. (2014). Building a culture of health. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Retrieved from, http://www.rwjf.org/content/dam/files/rwjf-web-files/Annual_Message/2014_RWJF_AnnualMessage_final.pdf

Shortell, S. (2012, November 1). Safety net challenges in delivering accountable care. [Web log post] HealthAffairsBlog. Retrieved from, http://healthaffairs.org/blog/2012/11/01/safety-ne…


Answer preview

Safety net service/providers are practices offered by providers who organize and deliver the determined level of health care to vulnerable patients, the uninsured, and Medicaid recipients. Some of the safety net services offered are oral health services, such as dental hygiene provided in my community. Recipients also receive housing and food aid after every medical visit, employment assistance, eviction prevention support, counseling, and monitoring child abuse or neglect cases (Lavisso-Mourey, 2014). Although the safety net services are crucial, financial gaps in my community are prevalent. Notably, initiatives such as Medicaid and state programs such as the California Endowment boost the funding for safety net providers, but the finances are scarce (Shortell et al., 2012; Lavisso-Mourey, 2014). Worth noting, public policies influence the capacity of the safety net services. Factors such as public demand regarding the increased

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