Discussion Summary

Discussion Summary

Attached file is the rubric and the instructions

Requirements: Follow rubric guidelines

This is the link to the video for the assignment. If you need more information let me know


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In the video, Chimamanda Adichie talks about the dangers of having or listening to a single story. She begins by her experience as a child exposed to just a single story which entailed her writing stories of white-skinned children with blue eyes and ginger beer. This was because all the literature she had read was British, leading her to believe that a good story had to be unattainable and fictional. She later came to learn that Africans too had stories about everyday life. She narrates her experience moving away from Africa and her incidents with other people who had a single story of Africa. They included her roommate, publisher, and fans, who believed that Africa was impoverished and in need of help from foreigners.

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