diversity at work

diversity at work

Class Discussion 275 WORDS

In the Unit II study guide, this week’s lesson applied cultural diversity and competence to the workplace. Take some time to think about the diversity policies and procedures at your current job or school (or from a previous job/school). Is diversity respected at your workplace/school? How does diversity impact your workplace? Are there things the management can do better? Are there things you yourself can do better to support cultural diversity?

I work at an Healthcare Insurance Company

This is not a paper, please keep the response short.

Textbook: Knox, P. L., & Marston, S. A. (2016). Human geography: Places and regions in global context (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.


Please respond to my classmate response below: 75 WORDS

I work for a company where everyone is different and have a different background and/or culture. I think the diversity at my job is well respected. Diversify impacts our work place from having corporate events like lunchings where everyone may bring a different dish to the conversations that we have. NO two opinions are ever the same and you have to be very open minded when engaging in a discussion, especially if someone is closed minded and not open to a different way of life. I think I am a pretty open person to everyone and that’s because I’ve worked in many settings with different people with different cultures.

Answer preview

Dealing With Diversity At The Workplace

Working in a health insurance company, there are many policies put in place that guide the way in which employees relate with each other. For instance, diversity is usually linked to the bottom line of everything that happens in an organization. It is good that employees take diversity seriously, as it is usually a good initiative to take care of the people in charge of the things that they are looking up to. At such an organization, diversity is taken well into consideration, as the people that…

(400 words)

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