Do a cluster criticism of Trump

Do a cluster criticism of Trump 

Do a cluster criticism of Trump 9/11 speech + powerpoint slides

Click here for the assigned 9/11 speech

Overview – Do a cluster criticism of a text of your choice following the steps outlined in the Foss reading. The results of this analysis will be presented as a written paper and as a 5-7 minute oral argument.

Requirements for your Paper: Your paper will be approximately 3-5 pages. Please do a rhetorical criticism using the process described in the Foss chapter about how to do a Cluster Criticism. The steps in your analysis are NOT your paper. They are like the notes you will take in doing your analysis.

Your paper should follow this format:

  1. Summarize the text,
  2. Summarize the theory and important concepts you are using from your theory and method(this is just a summary of the what Foss said about the theory and an explanation of the steps you followed in doing your cluster analysis,
  3. Explain how the relevant concepts from the theory and method apply to the text (this should be the longest part of your paper). This section should be where you demonstrate how the theory helps us to understand how the text communicates, how the text constructs its message, and/or how it might influence its audience, and
  4. Evaluate how your analysis helps us better understand this text, theory, and/or method,
  5. Cite your sources properly according to APA format in the text of your paper and on a reference page.

Please submit your written assignment by 8:30

Requirements for your Presentation: Your presentations will be evaluated based on your content, organization, and delivery. The content is made up of the four sections you wrote about in your paper. You should NOT however just read your paper. Prepare the content for a presentation. See the next page for an outline you should follow for your presentation. This should help you ensure you have included all the required content in a format that is organized. Be sure that any sources you used to write this portion of your presentation are cited properly orally. Use this organizational pattern to help you develop your presentation and to organize your notes on your notecards.

Delivery – Your delivery will be evaluated based on the effectiveness of your eye contact, vocal quality, nonverbal skills, and use of visual aids.

  1. Eye Contact – You should be engaging your audience by making eye contact with them throughout the presentation. Take the time to engage with the audience overall and particular members throughout the performance.
  1. Vocal Quality – This includes the loudness of your voice (can the audience hear you?), as well as the vocal variety you employ. Have you used pauses, increases or decreases in volume, and variations in speed and timing to emphasize points and present the material in effective ways?

Answer Preview

The commemoration ceremony of the September 11, 2001, attack, took place this year in The Pentagon, Virginia, where President Trump was present. He gave a speech which was mainly focused on reminding Americans of the heroes and innocent Americans that died during those attacks. His speech mainly talked about the unity of Americans…

(1073 Words)

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