economic outlook forecasts


Please create a slide for each on how monetary policy could influence( price levels, inflation rates, costs, and nominal variables), as that will generate 4 slides. Please make sure grammar/spelling meeting college level standards APA/guidelines as that has cost me over the past few weeks with grading.

Resources: National Bureau of Economic Research

Develop a 3- to 4-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for economic outlook forecast that includes the following:

Make use of Speaker Notes for explanations ( also in bullet point format)

Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources from the University Library.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.


Answer preview

  • Monetary policy can help to achieve price level stability through the maintenance of steady inflation rates in an economy.
  • Monetary policy aspects like open-market operations and price help to control inflation or deflation in the economy through strategies imposed by the monetary policy like buying securities in the open market. This contributes to increasing and decreasing the price levels in a market respectively.
  • Expansionary monetary policy assists to increase price levels by lowering interest rates in the economy.
  • Monetary policy also strives to set the price levels of different commodities and services is a market through the use of price levels…


(6 slides)

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