Effective leader

Effective leader

To be an effective leader, you must be able to speak and present confidently, articulating your message in a way that engages your audience. Planning the presentation is the most important component to delivering an effective message. Reflect on a presentation you recently attended. Consider the audience and critique the leaders’ delivery of the material. In your critique include how well prepared the presentation was as well as how well the leader both delivered the material and engaged the audience.

REAL LIFE APPLICATION: If you were the leader, what would you have done differently? What do you think are the most important elements of communicating through presentations? Support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced.



Answer preview

I recently attended a presentation session by a speaker named Andrew on the topic about reducing and minimizing waste by using thrift. According to Andrew, Thrift is a concept that entails reducing, reusing and recycling in a bid to reduce waste products by being able to see how a product can be used as many times before it is considered waste. He did well in explaining to the audience what the topic was all about in the simplest way. I liked the idea that he mastered and understood his content and was able to manage his thoughts and the audience as well. Andrew was also able to manage the stage and was audible enough…

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