Elite Electronics

Elite Electronics

Read the assignment and answer the questions.

Read the “Elite Electronics” case , and chapter 5, then answer the following questions in the attachments


  Read the “Elite Electronics” case:

  1. List (4) topics from Chapter 5 that you think are most relevant to the issues in the above case.  Explain.


  1. Who should be involved in the decision-making process (to proceed with the new low cost oscilloscope)? Who should have the final responsibility for the decision?


  1. Analyze the costs and revenues associated with the new low cost oscilloscope that incorporates the new analog-to-digital converter (ADC).


  1. What other issues concerning this problem should be of concern to supply management?  Should Elite proceed with the new low cost oscilloscope?  Explain your reasoning.

2 Attachments

Tsmunt_ba_477_ch_5__2_24_17_handout Elite_electronics

Answer Preview

The first topic that is important is that of the investigation. This is where the engineers that are designing the component are able to do research on the many issues that will be covered. This is an important aspect in the long term as it ensures that the project is viable in the long term. The second the development topic is also equally important, this is the phase where the…

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