Elle Magazine

Elle Magazine

Fashion in the 21st century is increasingly shaped by the immediacy, diversity and democratisation of today’s media. Digital mediacoverage is now immersive, operating in near-real time, and has allowed the entry of new voices in fashion commentary, in particular, bloggers and social media ‘influencers’. Choose an element of the fashion industry that has existed in both the pre-digital and postdigital age: a fashion brand, a fashion media brand, a fashion product category or a fashion industry promotional tool. Critically evaluate the shifts in production, promotion and consumption of your case study from ‘then’ to ‘now’, showing how your case study has been affected by technological changes, audience/consumer shifts and changes in media/commentary. Your response should address democratisation of fashion, gatekeeping values, promotional techniques, identity and consumption. Your essay should use specific realworld examples to support your arguments.

Presentation requirements:

 Times New Roman 12 pt, or Arial 11 pt

WORD LIMIT: 4000 words

My case study is ELLE Magazine

My research thought and structure of this case study:

  1. Introduction
  2. History of the ELLE Magazine
  3. The background of the ELLE Magazine
  4. Shifts in production,promotion and consumption of ELLE Magazine from “then” to “now”

(1) Contents of Ellen magazine (culture and fashion ,ads, models,brands)…..

(2) Cultural contexts: local representation like Europe countries, United States, Australia.

  1. Showing how ELLE Magazine has been affected by technological changes, audience/consumer shifts and changes in media/commentary.

(1) Expand influence: Asian countries representation like China, Japan, Korea, around social environment.

(2) Consumer can read ELLE online in everywhere, using smartphone, Ipad, laptop.

(3) Target Audiences: events, ELLE coffee…

  1. Democratisation of fashion
  2. Gatekeeping values
  3. Promotional techniques
  4. Identity and consumption (Social identity)
  5. Conclusion.

These are my research thoughts and the structure of this case study, if you have good idea you can add. But please remember this is communication not marketing. I have attached an word document about the requirement of this case study. one more thing, please give me web sources of references and information you find.

Criteria for marking:

  • Fluent scholarly style of writing: structure and phrase the writing to clearly advance an argument in a style appropriate to academic


  • Choice of case study: justify the case study selected and explain its context using evidence gained from research
  • Critical engagement with theory: demonstrate an understanding of relevant theoretical approaches and apply them effectively to the chosen case study
  • Referencing and resourcing: demonstrate an adequate number and good balance of industry and scholarly readings, and demonstrate a consistent citation style that accurately identifies the works referenced. Wikipedia and other encyclopaedia-style websites will not be regarded as a scholarly reference for all the assessments in this unit.

Answer Preview

Before the introduction of technology in the world, Elle magazine had a low market population because only those who accessed it bought it while some ignored it. Today, the magazine is available online and the customers can read at the convenience of their phones f computers. This has increased the market scope of the magazine making it more profitable…

(4664 Words)

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