Environmental Science and Human Population Worksheet

Environmental Science and Human Population Worksheet

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Is the current growth rate of the human population sustainable?  Explain, using the concept of carrying capacity.


The concept of carrying capacity incorporates the idea of the maximum population size of a species that nature can sustain considering the availability of food, water, and habitat (Butler, 2017). According to current population statistics, the rate at which humans multiply is not proportional to the death rate, and for carrying capacity to hold, birth rate should be consistent with the death rate. Currently, there is an inverse relationship because as birthrate increases, death rate decreases meaning that humanity is slowly weighing down the carrying capacity of the eco-system. Therefore, the current growth rate is not sustainable because, in some way, it tends to lead to the new problems in the world of hunger and economic strains because the population has outgrown the available opportunities to the extent where people scramble for the scarce resources. This has channeled problems in the health sector because the field cannot facilitate effective health care for the overgrown population. The result of this is an unhealthy population without access to healthcare.

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