

 Mary Wollstonecraft , John Stuart Mill, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Answer the following: How important is the idea of equality to each theorist? Under what conditions, if any, is inequality acceptable? Which theorist has the best understanding of the issues surrounding equality? Why?

ONLY use the books: Mary Wollstonecraft (Vindication of the Rights of Women), John Stuart Mill (On the Subjection of Women), and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality)

I will provide you with quotes needed to write the paper. Do NOT pull additional quotes unless i have approved them.

The quotes you must include are the following:

Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women —“physical world its observable that females are inferior to males” “the false system of education [for woman]” (363). “elementary day school, the rich and poor should meet together…they should be dressed alike and obliged to submit to the same discipline”(369). “from early marriages the most salutary physical and moral effects naturally flow” (369). “pleasure is considered as the main purpose of existence” (368).“the simple power of improvement or more properly speaking of discerning truth” (366).“women were not merely created to be the solace of man and the sexual [desire] should not destroy the human character” (366).

John Stuart Mill’s On the Subjection of Women—— [theory of woman as a weaker gender] “arises from the very earliest twilight of human society since every woman was found in a state of bondage to some man” (389).“women should be educated as solidly and in the same branches of knowledge as men” (390).[woman thought]“marriage was the destination appointed by society for woman” (393).“marriage was the destination appointed by society for woman” (393).“Rests upon theory only…and the adoption of this system of inequality was never a result of deliberation or any social ideas” (389).“no other source than the law of the strongest…” (390).“The nature of women is an eminently artificial thing, with the result of forced repression in some directions, unnatural stimulations in others” (392). 

Rousseau’s Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men—– “women become more sedentary and grew accustomed to watching over the hut and children” (304).“once property came into existence, labor became necessary and equality disappeared” (307).

NO OUTSIDE SOURCES (no websites. only the books given) 1500 WORDS MAX.MLA FORMAT.NO WORK CITED.

The quotes are pulled from the “princeton readings in political thought” by Cohen and Fermon. this is also the ONLY source of information for this essay

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It is not permanently clear what is meant by the term equality since individuals from different backgrounds and experiences may interpret it differently. However, the best way to attain equality in any field is through freedom and opportunity. Gender inequality has been a continued topic among the society and government which implements laws that may be favoring one sex.  For instance, equality can be when the dressing of our choice is allowed, same opportunities given and freedom of religion despite gender, race, religion…
(1584 Words)
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