Ethical dilemmasWrite about study case (based on a book or based on an article) about: Ethical dilemmas of nurses working with patients from Afroamerican or Chinese culture in USA. Describe ethical dilemma of nurses who work in the US with patients from Afroamerican or Chinese culture. –> This assignment is a formally written paper and is in APA format, 6th edition. Please be clear that you are identifying an ethical dilemma–and how it relates to nursing practice. Note: this is the rubric for the paper. Please follow the rubric as your outline.
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An ethical dilemma can be defined as a situation in which an individual need to choose between two or more orally accepted or unacceptable options in order to make decisions whereby only one option can be followed. In the nursing profession, nurses are faced with many dilemmas, especially in the U.S where they have to deal with people from minority groups such as Chinese Americans. If the nurse goes against their cultural values and beliefs, then it will create a hostile care environment. Therefore, nurses need to be culturally competent in providing patient care so that they do not cross boundaries involving the patients’ religion, belief, and practices (Leininger, 2016). For instance, when dealing with Chinese Americans who are receiving care at the end of life, it can create potential ethical dilemmas for the nurses.
Ethical Dimensions of the Issue Identified and Discussed (why is this an ethical issue)
The Chinese culture influences the end of life communication to their patients due to their beliefs and practices…
(1100 words)