Ethnic and religious discrimination.

Read these articles , watch these videos, do some reseaches and answer these 4 questions ( it is not a paper so number each questions and answer them )


1. Select one idea of particular interest or relevance to you that you encountered in your reading about Ethnicity and religion or a hands-on class experience. Identify the idea or issue for others in your message. What is it? Why did it strike you as interesting or important? Please provide a full and reflective description of the issue or idea. [Present the idea in your own words.]

2. Expand on this issue by considering these two questions:

a. How does this issue apply to your major? (my major is pharmacy)

b. What are the implications of this issue for your specific area of interest?


1- write a paragraph or two on your reflections on the two videos you chose (you have to pick two of these videos or article about ethnicity and religion). (one or two paragraph for each videos)


2 .

A student in an undergraduate sociology course complains to the department chair that he is not doing well in the course because he is unable to understand the professor’s English. The professor, a young untenured woman from Korea, has demonstrated her proficiency with the English language on several measures, scoring high on standardized tests and publishing in well regarded US journals.

Who should “own” this problem?


NB: include reference and numerote each question before answer them. part A has 2 questions (1 and 2) and part B has 2 questions ( 1 and 2)


it is not a paper just number each question and answer them. it is 4 questions total part A has 2 questions 1 and 2 (2a and 2b) . and part B also has two questions

Answer preview

Gandhi says that the use of violence cannot illustrate truth, and that violence cannot be opposed by brutality ( I agree with Gandhi’s argument because a fight against the violation of human rights cannot be won using disorder. Being able to express ideas in a non-violent way to the concerned parties shows that people are strong enough and that they can stand against vices in society. When people hold peaceful demonstrations, they are given attention by the people they address. During peaceful protests, there is no chaos, which makes the authority to pay attention to grievances, instead of using force. As a result, transforming conditions are achieved.

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