Explain Seth Holmes’ claim that “structural violence” and other social factors are the real underlying causes of illness among the migrant farmworkers who are the subjects of his ethnography

Explain Seth Holmes’ claim that “structural violence” and other social factors are the real underlying causes of illness among the migrant farm workers who are the subjects of his ethnography

Please write a paper of 5-7 pages which addresses the following:

Explain Seth Holmes’ claim that “structural violence” and other social factors are the real underlying causes of illness among the migrant farmworkers who are the subjects of his ethnography. Describe how medical personnel in Mexico and the United States use explanations of disease that focus on biology, individual behavior, and culture rather than on social factors. Give details about the structural inequalities that Holmes believes ultimately determine health disparities among North American populations. What kinds of social change would be necessary to begin to address the social determinants of migrant farmworkers’ health? What kinds of social action does Homes suggest could contribute to bringing about these changes?

Please support your arguments with examples and details from the book. Use citations that include page numbers from the text.

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Structural violence is a form of violence that the weak and the poor people suffer because they cannot enjoy access to basic needs and this form of violence is aided by the social structure or some social institution. Structural violence cannot be seen by everyone. It is something that requires someone to look deeper into the kind of life a particular group of people are living. The worst part about social violence is that it does not have a particular individual who can be held liable for it. It takes a group of people and complexities in the society for structural violence to happen (Holmes, 2013)…

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