Extraneous variable,

Extraneous variable

Extraneous variable, 1 minute video, 3 questions 1 – 2 pages (human services)

watch the video below about extraneous variables and then in a 1-2 page paper address the following:

Explain your understanding of the extraneous variable.

Describe a scenario where the existence of an extraneous variable could skew the results of a study.

Discuss the variables being examined and explain how an extraneous variable can interfere with study’s results.

Be specific. Give examples.

Be sure to proofread your work to eliminate spelling and grammar errors. Paper should be in APA format.

at least one reference APA style

This is what the video says:

What is an extraneous variable? For researchers and extraneous variable is considered undesirable and is often unseen. Extraneous variables create errors and skewed data. A competent researcher will carefully monitor his or her study so that extraneous variables can quickly be identified and eliminated thus ensuring the studies integrity. in explaining how an extraneous variable operates in a study consider the following scenario; researcher is interested in studying test scores at local high schools. He’s formed a hypothesis suggesting and students who attend high school A would receive higher test scores than students who attend high school B. The researcher believes that the students test scores are dependent on which high school they attend. The researches decided to compare ACT scores. Both high school A and high school B will be administering ACT exams on the same day. This seems like a perfect opportunity to compare results. When the test scores are compiled, the researcher is surprised at the low test scores from high school A, the school that he believed would heal higher test scores. In this case an extraneous variable was it play, what both schools administered the exam on the same day, students in high school A had problems with the building’s heating system, the heating was not functioning, and the students were cold and shivering when they took the exam, additionally several students became ill with the flu and we’re not functioning optimally… Both the broken heating system and the flu are extraneous variables in this scenario because the researcher was not present he had no way of knowing these extraneous variables had scooters results. In such cases re-testing is often recommended to ensure greater reliabilit

Answer Preview

Extraneous variable, in my own understanding, are variables that emerge in a research study which the researcher was not researching on or expecting it to occur. It can be described as something that a researcher cannot control which tends to have an effect on the general outcome of the research (Shymko and Roulet, 2017). Most researchers…

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