Famous Investors

 Famous Investors

My Topic


7) Famous Investors (PMs, Activists, etc.) (3min-6Max) ) This is the topic that I’m going to talk about)

Requirements (Per Person)

Ø Presentation is 5-7min in length (you will be cut off at 8min)

o   2-3min Q&A at the end

Ø May work alone or as a two person group (but both must present)

o   Talk to the (entire) audience

Ø Should answer a question or state/support an opinion about topic assigned

o   Note how your research relates to book material (include chapter and section number)

o   Add something to what is already in the book (any source)

Ø 3-6PPT slides

o   Consistent font, font size, capitalization, style

o   Consistent alignment position, size, etc.

o   Keep font size legible

o   Keep number of words per slide minimal

o   Use the whole slide (e.g. enlarge/format graphs to fill slide)

o   Source everything and be specific (e.g. if you compile data, what was the frequency of the data)

o   Make and insert a minimum of 2 graphs from excel

  • At least two different types (pie vs. line vs. column etc.)
  • Omit extra sig. dig.
  • Label axis and denote units

Ø Conclude with a slide that asks and answer two questions at the end of presentation

o   1 should relate to book material

o   1 should relate to information outside of book material


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