financial ratios

The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are three major financial statements that present varying snapshots of an organization’s financial position.
For this discussion, do the following:

  • Locate an online resource (a link, article, or book, for example) pertaining to the financial statements and financial ratios and/or how either of these concepts is being used within the healthcare industry.
  • In your discussion, examine the content and then share the resource (post your resource and use APA style). Summarize the resource(s) and what you find useful about it.
Answer preview
The article is useful since it highlights the key financial ratios that health organizations should keenly monitor. The necessary financial ratios are cash flow ratio, debt ratio, operational ratio, and margin ratios. The cash flow ratios provide information of the billing cycles which enable the health institutions to determine whether there are shortfalls in meeting the monthly payment operations…
(200 words)
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