Find a news story from anytime in the past year addressing a political or social issue

Find a news story from anytime in the past year addressing a political or social issue (e.g., the BLM movement; the MAGA movement) that has roots in the historical developments covered in this class. Write an essay (3-4 pages) examining the historical roots of this issue. How did we get here? You must draw from at least 1 assigned reading from each week (at least 5 altogether) and at least 1 assigned documentary film.

Introduce the news story in the beginning of your essay. Then tell me how the story has roots in historical developments covered in our readings.

If you would like to also draw from readings not assigned in this course, talk to me first.

Your essay should be argument-driven. That means it should have a thesis statement in the first paragraph. A thesis is an argument–something that is debatable (not simply a statement of a fact).

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Since historical times, Blacks have continued to fight for equality against the repressive actions that prevent them from enjoying their rights as citizens. The recent event that led to the demise of George Floyd is a great example showcasing how African Americans’ lives are still on edge in their homelands (Howard University, 2018). Floyd died when the police officer, Derek Chauvin, compressed his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe. The murder, demonstrating police brutality and lack of accountability, steered mass protests where African Americans used slogans and hashtags under the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The BLM movement has roots in historical developments, revealing that enacted regulations fail to address the inequities that Blacks face.

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