Forces Are Pulling the World Together

Forces Are Pulling the World Together

Forces Are Pulling the World Together: What forces are pulling the world together in the 21st century?

There are forces that are pulling the world together in the 21st century and forces that are pulling it apart. What forces are pulling the world together in the 21st century? How do these forces compare with those pulling it apart? Discuss these two questions and apply two lessons learned from the period of history studied this term.

Answer the following essay in about 600-700 words. Make sure your organize your essay into paragraphs with a well-stated opening and closing paragraph.

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One of the things that pull the world together is the trade. Countries trade when they lack enough resources to sustain themselves so they look for them in other countries. Once a country has used and established all the resources they have then they are able to provide other resources which will aid them in trading. Through trade, a country is able to get what they do not have and…

(714 Words)

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