Foreign Policy Memorandum

Foreign Policy Memorandum

The final version of the Memo should be no shorter than 2,000 words and no longer than 2,500 words (excluding Bibliogrpahy/Works Cited list and any notes). In addition to the substantive components identified above in the “Format” section, the Final Memo must include the following:

o Title page indicating the Title page indicating the student’s name, 1-5 word statement of the policy problem (e.g. “ISIS in Libya”), identified leader, and word count.

o Appropriate in-text citations or footnotes, following a standard reference style, documenting all outside sources.

o Bibliography/Works Cited list.

I attached the syllabus, the assignment guideline, memo proposal ,and professor comments on the proposal

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The Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahidin, famously known as Al-Shabaab, is an Islamic military group whose name means “The Youth” or “The Youngsters” in Arabic. Al-Shabaab is a Salafist jihadist fundamentalist group based in East Africa with a mix of nationalist and Islamist appeals. This group emerged from the radical youth wing of Somalia’s Union of…
(2439 Words)
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