Forensic and Physical Evidence

Forensic and Physical Evidence

Take what you know about Forensic and Physical Evidence gathering and crime scene documentation and apply it to a specific type of crime (murder, sexual assault, domestic violence etc…). What are the concerns and protocols inherent in each to obtain a conviction in terms of respecting constitutional rights? Utilize 5 or more Peer Reviewed resources, not counting the text. The paper must be double-spaced 5-6 pages in length. You must use 1″ margins and 12 point font with the typeface Cambria. You must use APA citation style.

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Various kinds of evidence analysis and collection are what makes a crime investigation successful (FOUR & SIX, (2015).   The evidence is classified in different ways, and it has a specific way of dealing with it, this is according to the forensic scientists. Physical evidence is any item in the crime scene or related to the crime that comes from a nonliving origin. Biological or forensic evidence comes from a living being or human being…
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