Forms of Funding Choose Topic: Writing Number of Pages: 2

Forms of Funding
Choose Topic: Writing
Number of Pages: 2

Question Description: Consider five funding sources you might seek for your program. How might these sources of funding benefit your early childhood program?
Research the five programs that accounted for two-thirds of federal K–12 and early childhood education funding according to the United States Government Accountability Office report. Consider which of these programs may best suit your early childhood program and explain why.
Be creative in identifying other funding sources online or in your community. Consider ways you might use the Internet, online forums, or social networking sites to raise funds for. Be sure to provide:
A description of each funding source and how you will attempt to obtain funding from that source
A rationale explaining why this source is appropriate for your program


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The most utilized form of funding is the federal education programs that address early childhood learning. Multiple funding sources can benefit my K-12 program, such as the Special Education Grants, fundraisers, and the United States Department of Agriculture’s Child Food program. The best suitable program for my case is the Special Education Program. It will meet the mental and social needs of learning.

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