global effects, marketing

global effects, marketing

Global forces and macroenvironment factors continually challenge marketersSelecting one of the macroenvironmental factors from the table above (in our bookprepare a report on how you see that global force affectinginfluencing, and limiting marketers in the near future.

For example, point # 2 states that “the movement of manufacturing capacity and skills to lower-cost countries” is one of the forces affecting marketing. How will this statement affect multi-nationals in their marketing plans for the future?

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Global trade and commerce have in the past few years been affected by several factors most of the macro factors. Such factors include stabilization of international currencies, business diplomacy, an increase of tax and the harmonization of trade tariffs across the nations. The growth of enterprises across the globe has with the same magnitude been affected by the same parameters as the global marketers expected to change their approaches concerning the macro factors (Bhalla, 2016). One of the many factors that have affected and influenced marketers globally is the rise of regional trade blocs like the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU)…

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