Global financial crisis

Based upon Frontline: Inside the Meltdown (Links to an external site.) and
the corresponding transcript/information (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external
site.), in a 750 to 1000 word essay, discuss key points, including in relation to Unit 6
course material and the research article used in the discussion.

Criminal Justice

Text books that are used for this class:

-Title: Economics of Social Issues, ISBN-13: 9781259300103

-Title: Taxing Ourselves: A Citizen’s Guide to the Debate over Taxes, ISBN-13: 9780262533171


-Register, C. A., & Grimes, P. W. (2016). Economics of social issues (21st ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

-Slemrod, J., & Bakija, J. M. (2017). Taxing ourselves: a citizen’s guide to the debate over taxes (5th ed.). MIT Press.

Answer preview

The economic meltdown is defined as a global financial crisis that occurred between 2008 and 2009. People and organizations worldwide were affected by the financial meltdown, including millions of Americans (Slemrod & Bakija, 2017). Financial firms began to fail, and most were acquired by more prominent corporations, forcing the US administration to provide assistance to keep most of them afloat (Register & Grimes, 2016). The economic downturn, as it is often known, did not occur instantaneously. Many causes contributed to the catastrophe, and its consequences may still be felt today.

[859 Words]

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